Tag: Recycle Cell Phones

  • Recycling Your Cell Phone Tips

    Recycling Your Cell Phone Tips

    So you’re thinking about recycling your mobile phone and want a few tips as to what’s the best way to do it? This is what you should know before you mail in your cell phones and other devices: Make sure your account for the device has been deactivated.  Double check before sending in. We receive…

  • Earth Week is here!

    Happy Earth Week! This week is an exciting week for us at SecondWave Recycling. We’ve got our month-long Earth Day collection campaign going on at the Seattle, Portland and the Bay Area WeWork locations; in addition we are hosting a pop-up cell phone repair shop at all three Seattle WeWork locations this week, as well…

  • Portland and San Francisco WeWork join Earth Day campaign!

    It’s April and the countdown to Earth Day has begun! We’ve mentioned in the last post that SecondWave has joined forces with WeWork Seattle to collet old phone donations to help our friends at 5Gyres. We’re happy to announce that additional WeWork locations including Portland and San Francisco have joined our Earth Day campaign!

  • How to Pack and Ship Your Phone!

            We’re sort of shipping experts, sending and receiving thousands of packages every month.  One question that we always get asked is “What’s the best way to ship my phone?”.

  • It’s No-Shave November and our CEO has accepted the challenge!

    It’s No-Shave November and our CEO, Ryan Rubel, is taking on the challenge to let his hair go wild to help raise cancer awareness. The entire SecondWave team is excited to support this great cause, spearheaded by the web-based non-profit, No-Shave November.

  • e-Stewards Launches E-waste Trading Platform

    We are super excited that e-Stewards – Electronics Recycling has launched a new online trading platform for e-waste, in partnership with Retrace. Check it out at e-Stewards Marketplace This online e-waste trading platform has been in the works for awhile.

  • Why Recycle E-Waste?

    So why would you want to recycle e-waste? Here’s some sobering facts on electronic waste and our environment.  I’m sure this will be convincing enough to go out, find those old electronics that are hidden in the garage and recycle them.

  • Got a new iPhone 6? Recycle your old phone!

                                                                                       So you recently got a new iPhone 6 and you’re thinking that you might…

  • Apple iPhone launch! What to do with your used cell phones?

    The launch of Apple iPhone 6 is coming soon, but that’s probably got a lot of you wondering how you can cash in your current Apple smartphone or any other used cell phones you might have lying around.

  • Modern Day Dilemma: Recycle that cell phone

    The Modern Day Recycling Dilemma as reported by the Wall Street Journal involves cell phones. We drive down the streets and see containers in front of houses where people are recycling paper, bottles, and cans. We might even see recycle containers in parks and businesses. Probably everyone knows about recycling those items. But, when was…