Your Old Phone Could Help A Domestic Violence Survivors

domestic violence survivors

SecondWave Recycling in partnership with DoSomething.Org is continuing its efforts to assist domestic violence survivors through the end of the year.  Do your part and donate a phone today!

Here are a few sad set of statistics:

  • One out of four American women will be a victim of domestic violence at some point in her life.
  • Over 3 million children in the United States are directly affected by domestic violence.
  • Each day in the United States, three women are killed by a current or former intimate partner.

(From the National Network to End Domestic Violence)

domestic violence survivors

The other concerns cell phone and electronics recycling:

  • By the end of 2009, over 141 million cell phones in the US were ready for “End of Life Management” (recycling or other disposal).  Of these, only 11.7 million, or 8 percent, were recycled.
  • Americans are almost five times as likely to recycle their old computers and other electronics as they are to recycle their old cell phones.

(From the EPA Office of Solid Waste e-Cycling Center: )

What does this mean for the overwhelming majority of Americans used cell phones.  It means that, for those wishing to help victims of domestic violence as well as the environment, a wonderful opportunity exists to make both happen at the same time.  And it’s as easy as recycling your old cell phone.

Donate cell phones for a wonderful cause today!

To learn more, contact us.




